Posts in the ‘Tea Talk’ Category

Wild About White Tea

The world is getting to be wild about white tea! White tea has arrived in North America. While Chinese tea drinkers have been hip to white tea’s benefits since the Ming Dynasty, until recently it was virtually unknown outside of Asia. Not anymore. Today, everyone from chefs to medical researchers is praising white tea’s delicate

Tea Interrogation on YouTube

Click on the link below (Read More) and watch all the wonderful qualities of teas explained in a fun to watch video from YouTube!

Yerba Mate Mixology….in tea

Here are two Yerba Mate blends that we find amazing: Take equal parts of our Roasted Yerba Mate and Rooibos Chocolate/Cream/Truffle and brew them together. or: 1 Tbl Peppermint and/or 1 Tbl Lemongrass, 1 tsp Green Yerba Mate brewed together. Let us know what you think, or post your favorite blend of teas that you

Welcome to the Sereni-tea blog

Welcome to the Sereni-tea blog, and also our newly opened online store. We are Daniela and Monique , we are very excited to have a new venue to update you on tea news, special events, recipes and tea information.  We had published our newsletter for 5 years that gave all our customers information.  Now we

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PO Box 1348
Mt. Shasta, CA
USA, 96067

tel: 530.918.8258

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