Posts in the ‘Tea Talk’ Category

What is Rooibos?

Rooibos: Consumed for many years in South Africa, Rooibos (pronounced: ROY-boss) is a naturally caffeine free herbal infusion that can be drank all day long, in fact, we here at Sereni-tea encourage it! Why you might ask? Well for a start, rooibos (which means red bush, the fermented tea is red in color) is an

What is a “Scented Tea”?

Scented Tea: Scented tea is a tea that has been infused with the scent of highly aromatic flowers and or fruits that is almost exclusively found from Chinese tea producers. The most famous of scented teas are the Chinese Jasmine  teas (like our Jamine Green tea, Dragon Phoenix Pearls, Jasmine Peach Blssom Flowering Tea, and 

Pu-Erh: a bit different!!

Pu-Erh with a twist… We are now offering a completely different Pu-Erh blend here at Sereni-tea: blended with Honeybush (a Rooibos varietal), cinnamon, cocoa nibs, chocolate and chili flakes! This recipe is based on the central American Aztecs legend on how they enjoyed to drink cocoa as a strengthening brew; which is now powered up

Rooibos Health Facts

Here are a few health facts about Rooibos Tea! I found a few points/health facts on the health benefits of Rooibos tea.  If you like to read the rest of the post on the official Rooibos web site, click here. Rooibos is a good source of antioxidants and is the only known source of a

Brewing Tea

Here at Sereni-tea we get asked a lot about brewing tea. Here are a few notes that are a quick and easy reference for brewing tea! Each tea category has it’s own measurements, brew times, and water temputatures; to throw one of these off could effect the taste of your tea… Black Tea: 1 tsp/cup

What is Earl Grey?

One of the most commonly known teas is Earl Grey, but what is in an “Earl Grey?” Tea legend says that it was a blend that was drank the Second Earl of Grey in the 1800’s, and used by Lady Grey for entertaining guests. Now to the technical bits… An Earl Grey is a tea

Organic Sencha Green Tea Powder

This past weekend my husband climbed Mt. Shasta (14’162 feet high) and got only an hour or so sleep before the ascent began from camp at 9’500 feet at 3am!  He upended the green tea powder into one of his water bottles, that gave him the energy and focus during the night climb! He rarely

Caffeine In Tea

Reminiscent of the legends regarding early coffee consumption, the record of humankind’s use of the tea plant suggests that if it did not contain caffeine, the beverage that we know today would not have evolved.  Were it not for caffeine, the people of mainland Southeast Asia might not have tolerated the bitter, nasty taste of

Pu-Erh – China’s Mystery Tea

Technically classified not as black but dark black tea, Pu-Erh is China’s mystery tea.  It was already ancient when the troops of Kublai Kahn spread the use of it from Yunnan throughout China.  The secret of its manufacture is as closely guarded today as it was under the Ming Dynasty, when death was the penalty

Shop Pictures from Sereni-tea

We had requests from some of our customers to post some pictures of Sereni-tea online. A sampling for your viewing pleasure. Click More to see gallery    

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USA, 96067

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