Fair Trade is a movement that started in the 1940’s and 50’s that is rooted in respectful people-to-people connections and sustainability for farmers, community, and the environment. There is a base price for each commodity that is set by the international Fairtrade Labeling Organization (FLO) that attempts to cover the cost of production and living wages (including food, shelter, clothing medical care, and education) paid at a
local context. Trasfair USA is a nonprofit organization that is one of the twenty-one members of the international Fairtrade Labeling Organizations (FLO). You can visit Transfair USA on their website (http://www.transfairusa.org/) for images and further information on the Fair Trade logo. There is also a social premium, a.k.a. set amount of money that is set aside, which is invested for improving the local community; often these projects are in the form of building housing, hospitals, and schools, as well as creating scholarships so that others may go to school, attend training, or support empowerment programs. Also, Fair Trade farmers are encouraged to use sustainable farming techniques, like integrating crops, avoiding toxic agrochemicals, and animal habitat preservation. Fair Trade supports the small scale producers and farmers through using a cooperative system, where each producer and or farm owns a portion of the business and partakes in the enjoyment from that business; this can be referred to as Direct Trade.
The Fair Trade Federation (FTF) established the criteria for fair trade that member businesses and farmers are committed to following. Other products found in stores and shops may be “fairly traded” thanks to the retailers who purchase the items directly from artisans and farmers, pay them fairly, and ensure that the Fair Trade standards are met. Here at Sereni-tea, we have a great selection of certified Fair Trade teas available for purchase, and many more teas that we get from our trusted suppliers. The list of the Fair Trade teas is as follows:
- Citron Green– Iced Tea, Organic
- Relax– Herbal Tea, Organic
- Plum Oolong-Organic
- Ancient Emerald Lily– China, Green Tea, Organic
- Dragon Well-China, Green Tea, Organic
- Jasmine Green Tea– China, Organic
- Pu Erh Ginger– China, Black Tea, Organic
- Pu Erh Classic– China, Black Tea, Organic
Please come and visit or order online for you choice tea today!
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