Hot or Iced Tea?

Home » Tea Talk » Hot or Iced Tea?

Many countries, especially tea growing regions, have hot seasons in summer but always drink hot tea.  Their reasoning: hot tea increases the body temperature, which increases perspiration and thus cools the body down.

At the 1904 world fair in St. Louis, countries from around the world came to exhibit their stuff and an Englishman by the name of Richard Blechynden set up a booth to promote Indian black tea.  But no one was willing to drink his steaming hot brew in the sweltering heat.  Out of desperation the frantic man poured his tea over ice and, to everyone’s delight, a thirst quenching new beverage was invented.

Americans consume 80% of their tea as iced tea, which is highest in the world.  To help out with this need for cool, thirst quenching refreshment, we have added custom brewed ice tea to our to-go menu.  Choose any tea from the store and have it prepared into a 16 oz. cup to go. Ice tea is available At Sereni-tea from May through September.

If you have flavored green or black teas, as well as fruit blends at home, you can make flavorful iced tea your self! A great alternative to sodas for everyone!  Here is a toast to summer.

(Shop for your Iced Teas here!)


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