Health Benefits of Rooibos Tea

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We’ve only begun to explore the health benefits of rooibos…

With its many positive attributes, Rooibos (pronounced: ROY-boss) tea is a great choice of beverage for health conscious people.
Rooibos tea contains no colors, additives or preservatives, making it a natural beverage. It contains no caffeine. According to studies conducted in South Africa and Japan Rooibos has been shown to aid in health problems such as insomnia, irritability, headaches, nervous tension, and hypertension.
Studies also show that this tea relieves anti- spasmodic agents, which can relieve stomach cramping and colic in infants.
In South Africa Rooibos has been used to treat allergies such as hay fever, asthma and eczema very effectively.
It is also used to treat irritated skin. Rooibos is brewed and placed directly on infected areas. Rooibos contains anti – oxidants which can help slow the aging process and boost the immune system.
Rooibos is a great thirst quencher and is an excellent beverage for active people, including children.
This tea contains no oxalic acid, making it a good beverage for people prone to kidney stones. Rooibos contains the minerals copper, iron and potassium, calcium, fluoride, zinc, manganese, alpha- hydroxy (for healthy skin) and magnesium (for the nervous system) are also components of this tea. In South Africa pregnant women and nursing mothers drink Rooibos because it contains no caffeine.

(Check out our rooibos selection here.)


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