Our Christmas Present

Home » Tea Talk » Our Christmas Present

We got a very nice Christmas present on December 28th: the general manager, Sascha Karimpour, of our main wholesaler Dethlefsen & Balk from Aurora, IL came to visit for the first time since Sereni-tea opened it’s doors in Mount Shasta in 2005! He enjoyed visiting the town, meeting all of us and loved the shop.  Of course he was curiously inspecting the teas from our other distributors and probably took some ideas home for the blending team in Germany. Who knows what new teas we can add in the future and what great flavors they come up with.

He promised a new catalogue with new teas, crockery and accouterments to be ready for us in Fall 2012 – right in time for the next Christmas shopping adventure for us and, of course, you too.

(Check out the shop to see what we got.)


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