Consumed for many years in South Africa, Rooibos (pronounced: ROY-boss) is a naturally caffeine free herbal infusion that can be drank all day long, in fact, we here at Sereni-tea encourage it! Why you might ask?
Well for a start, rooibos (which means red bush, the fermented tea is red in color) is an herbal beverage that is acquired from the bush Aspalathus linearis, a plant that is found in South Africa. According to the South African Rooibos Council, rooibos is not a true tea, but an herb. Rooibos is a natural beverage, containing no colors, additives or preservatives, and it is caffeine-free. According to studies conducted in South Africa and Japan rooibos has been shown to be calming for the body and the nervous system, aiding in health problems such as insomnia, irritability, headaches, nervous tension, and hypertension. Studies also show that this infusion can act as an anti-inflammatory and can used as an anti- spasmodic agent, which can relieve stomach cramping and colic in infants. In South Africa rooibos has been used to treat allergies such as hay fever, asthma and eczema very effectively. In South Africa pregnant women and nursing mothers drink Rooibos because it contains no caffeine and the benefits naturally pass on to the baby.
Scientific research has also shown that the anti-oxidants in rooibos can help with many skin complaints and can help slow aging processes. Eczema and psoriasis sufferers experience relief from itchy, dry skin, and can soften rough, thickened skin by adding a strong pot of the tea to daily baths. “In South Africa Rooibos is clinically prescribed for eczema, psoriasis and other skin conditions. It has no known side effects unlike many cortisone creams which is the standard drug prescribed for many skin complaints,” says Marie Heyes of The Redbush Tea Company. To treat irritated skin brew rooibos and placed directly on affected areas (best if done on a regular basis).
This herb also boosts the immune system of human body. Rooibos contains rare nutrients such as Quercetin and Bioflavanoid which can promote good blood circulation and prohibit hemorrhaging. (As a side note, rooibos contains no oxalic acid and can also be consumed by those who have kidney stones.) It is also rich in mineral contents such as iron, calcium, potassium, copper, fluoride,manganese, zinc, magnesium, fluoride, and alpha hydroxyl; making this an excellent option to assist in promoting good bone structure and stronger teeth.
(Check out our selection of rooibos in our store!)
References:US Department of Agricultureand South African Rooibos Council
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